Larysa Huzyuk is an experienced practitioner of Bioresonance Diagnostic therapy. She possesses a sound understanding of the process and puts her heart and soul in in safe therapeutic practices which are holistic in nature and are drug free and injection free with zero side effects.
Larysa has worked as a nurse in the nursing homes of Portugal and the Netherlands for many years and possesses good understanding of psychology and physiotherapy. During her tenure as a nurse, she observed and realized that its often too late for people to get appropriate treatment in time, because laboratory tests show results when the disease is already progressing.
She herself ran into a problem that could not be detected by laboratory tests, and then found a computer diagnostics that detected the presence of the disease at an early stage. She recovered and gradually developed a desire to help people to be healthy by starting treatment at an early stage.
As medicine is moving forward and technology is developing, this method allows the whole body to be tested and saves time spent in clinics and laboratories. Additionally there's no need to wait months for an appointment.
Larysa proudly holds Association of Wellness Medicine Certificate
from Dr. Goncharenko's Health Center, Kiev, stating that she has received both theoretical and practical skills for diagnosis and treatment using Bioresonance Therapy.